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Sites are essentially bookmarks for trap locations. New sites should be created whenever surveillance may occur more than once in the same location. Learn more about sites



The shape object defines the site's spatial identity.

The '000000' site

When a new surveillance effort record is created in the VectorSurv system, a corresponding geospatial record is created if that record has a geospatial component. To add context to surveillance efforts, a site can be associated with many types of records when those records are created, and the corresponding geospatial record created for the new surveillance effort will be derived from the site by default. This is an excellent solution for locations with repeated surveillance. The site with code 000000, also known as the 'Zero Site', should be associated with non-recurring surveillance efforts.

Creating a site

URL: /v1/site

Request Type: POST



Name Type Description
active_date string Date on which site was first used for surveillance.
address_1 string Address or nearest intersection to coordinates.
address_2 string Additional address or intersection details.
agency number Internal ID referencing the agency to which the site belongs.
city string Address city.
code string Required. 6 digit numeric code. Must be unique in the agency.
comments string Any comments associated with the site. Comments are not public.
coordinate_precision number Required. Internal ID corresponding to the level of preciseness associated with this site's coordinates.
elevation number Elevation at site.
deactive_date string Date after which site was never again used for surveillance.
name string Required. Site name.
postal_code string 5 digit zip code.
region number Internal ID corresponding to the region (state, county, etc.) in which the site is located. Defaults to agency's region.
revision_comments string Comments about this iteration of the site. Applicable in cases where the same code is used in distinct time periods.
shape object Required. Shape object.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user creating the site.
site_population string The human population density in the vicinity of the site.
site_land_usage array Array of internal IDs corresponding to land usage surrounding the site. Common land usage types ("Agricultural", "Commercial", etc.) will have existing land usage types in the database.
site_land_usage_custom array Array of strings, where each is a description of a type of land usage not already represented in the database ("Flood Plain", for instance).
Shape Object
Name Type Description
type string GIS geometry type. For sites, the correct value is "Point".
coordinates array Geographical coordinates, such that [longitude, latitude]. If the longitude is in the western hemisphere, the value must be prefixed by the minus '-' sign. If the latitude is in the southern hemisphere, the value must be prefixed by the minus '-' sign. Longitude must be between -90 and 90. Latitude must be between -180 and 180.

Sample request body

  "active_date": "1970-01-01",
  "address_1": "123 Main Street",
  "address_2": "",
  "agency": 123,
  "city": "Springfield",
  "code": "123456",
  "comments": "Empty lot behind the emporium",
  "coordinate_precision": 2,
  "elevation": 123,
  "deactive_date": "2000-01-01",
  "name": "Emporium Oak Tree",
  "postal_code": "12345",
  "region": 12,
  "shape": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [-123, 34]
  "user": 123,
  "site_population": "Suburban",
  "site_land_usage": [1],
  "site_land_usage_custom": ["Down by the old mill stream"]



Name Type Description
active_date string Date on which site was first used for surveillance.
code string Six digit numeric code assigned to site.
name string Site name.
coordinate_precision number Internal ID corresponding to the level of preciseness associated with this site's coordinates.
shape string Site Shape Object.
region number Internal ID corresponding to the region (state, county, etc.) in which the site is located.
agency number Internal ID referencing the agency to which the site belongs.
deactive_date string Date after which site was never again used for surveillance.
elevation string Elevation at coordinates.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user that created the site.
add_date string Date created.
updated string Date last updated.
id number Internal ID corresponding to the site.
address_1 string Address or nearest intersection to coordinate.
address_2 string Additional address or intersection details.
city string Address city.
postal_code string 5 digit zip code.
comments string Any comments associated with the site.
delete_date string Date after which the site no longer exists.
revision_comments string Comments about this iteration of the site. Applicable in cases where the same code is used in distinct time periods.

Sample response body

  "active_date": "1970-01-01",
  "address_1": "123 Main Street",
  "address_2": "",
  "agency": 123,
  "city": "Springfield",
  "code": "123456",
  "comments": "Empty lot behind the emporium",
  "coordinate_precision": 2,
  "elevation": 123,
  "deactive_date": "2000-01-01",
  "name": "Emporium Oak Tree",
  "postal_code": "12345",
  "region": 12,
  "revision_comments": "",
  "shape": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [-123, 34]
  "user": 123,
  "id": 456,
  "add_date": "2023-01-01T04:16:46.036Z",
  "site_population": "Suburban",
  "site_land_usage": [1],
  "site_land_usage_custom": ["Down by the old mill stream"],
  "updated": "2023-01-01T04:16:46.037Z"

Updating a site

URL: /v1/site/{id}

Request Type: PUT



Name Type Description
active_date string Date on which site was first used for surveillance.
address_1 string Address or nearest intersection to coordinates.
address_2 string Additional address or intersection details.
agency number Internal ID referencing the agency to which the site belongs.
city string Address city.
code string 6 digit numeric code. Must be unique in the agency.
comments string Any comments associated with the site. Comments are not public.
coordinate_precision number Internal ID corresponding to the level of preciseness associated with this site's coordinates.
elevation number Elevation at site.
deactive_date string Date after which site was never again used for surveillance.
name string Site name.
postal_code string 5 digit zip code.
region number Internal ID corresponding to the region (state, county, etc.) in which the site is located.
revision_comments string Comments about this iteration of the site. Applicable in cases where the same code is used in distinct time periods.
shape object Shape object.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user creating the site.
site_population string The human population density in the vicinity of the site.
site_land_usage array Array of internal IDs corresponding to land usage surrounding the site. Common land usage types ("Agricultural", "Commercial", etc.) will have existing land usage types in the database.
site_land_usage_custom array Array of strings, where each is a description of a type of land usage not already represented in the database ("Flood Plain", for instance).

Sample Request Body

  "active_date": "1980-01-01",
  "name": "Emporium Birch Tree"



Name Type Description
active_date string Date on which site was first used for surveillance.
code string Six digit numeric code assigned to site.
name string Site name.
coordinate_precision number Internal ID corresponding to the level of preciseness associated with this site's coordinates.
shape string Site Shape Object.
region number Internal ID corresponding to the region (state, county, etc.) in which the site is located.
agency number Internal ID referencing the agency to which the site belongs.
deactive_date string Date after which site was never again used for surveillance.
elevation string Elevation at coordinates.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user that created the site.
add_date string Date created.
updated string Date last updated.
id number Internal ID corresponding to the site.
address_1 string Address or nearest intersection to coordinate.
address_2 string Additional address or intersection details.
city string Address city.
postal_code string 5 digit zip code.
comments string Any comments associated with the site.
delete_date string Date after which the site no longer exists.
revision_comments string Comments about this iteration of the site. Applicable in cases where the same code is used in distinct time periods.

Sample Response Body

  "active_date": "1980-01-01",
  "address_1": "123 Main Street",
  "address_2": "",
  "agency": 123,
  "city": "Springfield",
  "code": "123456",
  "comments": "Empty lot behind the emporium",
  "coordinate_precision": 2,
  "elevation": 123,
  "deactive_date": "2000-01-01",
  "name": "Emporium Birch Tree",
  "postal_code": "12345",
  "region": 12,
  "revision_comments": "",
  "shape": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [-123, 34]
  "user": 123,
  "site_population": "Suburban",
  "site_land_usage": [1],
  "site_land_usage_custom": ["Down by the old mill stream"]

Retrieving site information

URL: /v1/site/{id}

Request Type: GET



Name Type Description
populate[] array Interior fields to be expanded. Possible values: user, agency, coordinate_precision, original_location.
sort query Order for returned records. Default will be provided.
fields[] array Fields to include in response.
page number Page number.
page size number Number of results per page.
search string Pattern to search for.
searchFields[] array Array of fields to be pattern searched. String fields only.
query array Supplemental postgres queries.

Sample Request Body

  "id": 456


Sample Response Body

  "active_date": "1980-01-01",
  "address_1": "123 Main Street",
  "address_2": "",
  "agency": 123,
  "city": "Springfield",
  "code": "123456",
  "comments": "Empty lot behind the emporium",
  "coordinate_precision": 2,
  "elevation": 123,
  "deactive_date": "2000-01-01",
  "name": "Emporium Birch Tree",
  "postal_code": "12345",
  "region": 12,
  "revision_comments": "",
  "shape": {
    "crs": {
      "type": "name",
      "properties": {
        "name": "EPSG:4326"
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [-123, 34]
  "user": 123,
  "site_population": "Suburban",
  "site_land_usage": [1],
  "site_land_usage_custom": ["Down by the old mill stream"]