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Pool submissions are records of groups of arthropods sent to be tested for arboviruses. To learn more read the pool form documentation.

Creating a pool

URL: /v1/arthropod/pool

Request Type: POST



Name Type Description
agency number Internal ID corresponding to the agency that made the collection.
collection number Internal ID corresponding to collection from which arthropods originated. If collection is not included, site, collection_date, trap, and primary_source_bit must be included, and primary_source_bit must be set to TRUE.
collection_date string Date of collection for arthropods in pool. Defaults to collection.collection_date when collection is included.
comments string Description of pool.
location object Shape object. Defaults to collection.location if collection is included.
num_count number Required. Number of arthropods in pool.
pool_num number Agency reference number for pool. Defaults to next sequentially available.
primary_source_bit boolean True indicates that the pool's contents are primarily drawn from the associated collection.
site number Internal ID corresponding to the site from which arthropods were collection. Defaults to if collection is included.
sex number Required. Internal ID corresponding to sex of arthropod in pools.
species number Required. Internal ID corresponding to arthropod species in pool.
surv_year number Year in which surveillance occurred.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user that created the pool.

Sample Request Body

  "collection": 456789,
  "comments": "Aedes pool from collection 456789",
  "num_count": 6,
  "pool_num": 345,
  "primary_source_bit": true,
  "sex": 6,
  "species": 145



Name Type Description
collection number Internal ID corresponding to collection from which arthropods originated.
comments string Description of pool.
num_count number Number of arthropods in pool.
pool_num number Agency reference number for pool.
sex number Internal ID corresponding to sex of arthropod in pools.
species number Internal ID corresponding to arthropod species in pool.
agency number Internal ID corresponding to the agency that made the collection.
surv_year number Year in which surveillance occurred.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user that created the pool.
location object Shape object.
id number Internal ID corresponding to this pool.
primary_source number Internal ID corresponding to pool source record.
add_date string Date of record creation.

Sample Response Body

  "collection": 456789,
  "comments": "Aedes pool from collection 66071",
  "num_count": 6,
  "pool_num": 345,
  "primary_source_bit": true,
  "sex": 6,
  "species": 145,
  "agency": 10,
  "site": null,
  "surv_year": 2020,
  "user": 123,
  "location": {
    "shape": {
      "crs": {
        "type": "name",
        "properties": {
          "name": "EPSG:4326"
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [-118.39643, 37.358737]
    "coordinate_precision": 1
  "id": 654321,
  "primary_source": 987654,
  "add_date": "2023-01-01T14:31:20.121Z"

Updating a pool

URL: /v1/arthropod/pool/{id}

Request Type: PUT



Name Type Description
agency number Internal ID corresponding to the agency that made the collection.
collection number Internal ID corresponding to collection from which arthropods originated. If collection is not included, site, collection_date, trap, and primary_source_bit must be included, and primary_source_bit must be set to TRUE.
collection_date string Date of collection for arthropods in pool. Defaults to collection.collection_date when collection is included.
comments string Description of pool.
location object Shape object. Defaults to collection.location if collection is included.
num_count number Number of arthropods in pool.
pool_num number Agency reference number for pool. Defaults to next sequentially available.
primary_source_bit boolean True indicates that the pool's contents are primarily drawn from the associated collection.
site number Internal ID corresponding to the site from which arthropods were collection. Defaults to if collection is included.
sex number Internal ID corresponding to sex of arthropod in pools.
species number Internal ID corresponding to arthropod species in pool.
surv_year number Year in which surveillance occurred.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user that created the pool.

Sample Request Body

  "collection": 56789,
  "comments": "Aedes pool actually from collection 56789"



Name Type Description
collection number Internal ID corresponding to collection from which arthropods originated.
comments string Description of pool.
num_count number Number of arthropods in pool.
pool_num number Agency reference number for pool.
sex number Internal ID corresponding to sex of arthropod in pools.
species number Internal ID corresponding to arthropod species in pool.
agency number Internal ID corresponding to the agency that made the collection.
surv_year number Year in which surveillance occurred.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user that created the pool.
location object Shape object.
id number Internal ID corresponding to this pool.
primary_source number Internal ID corresponding to pool source record.
add_date string Date of record creation.

Sample Response Body

  "collection": 56789,
  "comments": "Aedes pool actually from collection 56789",
  "id": 654321,
  "primary_source": 987654,
  "site": null,
  "user": 123,
  "pool_num": 345,
  "add_date": "2023-02-02T16:18:44.592Z"

Retrieving pool information

URL: /v1/arthropod/pool/{id}

Request Type: GET



Name Type Description
populate[] array Interior fields to be expanded. Possible values: trap, agency, site, species, sex, collection, location, test.
sort query Order for returned fields. Default will be provided.
fields[] array Fields to include in response.
page number Page number.
page size number Number of results per page.
search string Pattern to search for.
searchFields[] array Array of fields to be pattern searched. String fields only.
query array Supplemental postgres queries.
type string Possible values: mosquito, nontick (any pool created under the arthropod form), tick.

Sample Request Body

  "id": 654321



Sample Response Body

  "id": 654321,
  "pool_num": 345,
  "primary_source": 987654,
  "collection": 56789,
  "comments": "Aedes pool actually from collection 56789",
  "surv_year": 2020,
  "site": 223344,
  "collection_date": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "trap": 3,
  "species": 145,
  "sex": 6,
  "num_count": 6,
  "agency": 10,
  "add_date": "2023-01-01T14:31:20.121Z",
  "updated": "2023-02-02T14:31:20.121Z"