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Collections are the records of arthropod population data through the placement of traps. To learn more view the collection form documentation.

Creating a collection

URL: /v1/arthropod/collection

Request Type: POST



Name Type Description
agency number Internal ID corresponding to the agency that made the collection.
collection_date string Required. Date on which trap was picked up.
collection_date_date_only boolean False indicates that collection date has information beyond date such as time.
collection_num number Agency reference number for collection. Defaults to next sequentially available.
comments string Description of collection event.
identified_by string Name of person that identified arthropods in this collection.
num_trap number Required. The number of unique traps in operation at one site for this collection event.
site number Internal ID corresponding to the site at which the collection took place.
location object Shape object. Drawn from site if omitted.
surv_year number Year in which surveillance occurred.
trap number Required. Internal ID corresponding to the trap type used for the collection.
trap_nights number Required. Number of nights from start to end of collection.
trap_problem_bit boolean True indicates an issue with the collection, such as a mechanical failure.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user that created the collection.
lures array Array of internal IDs corresponding to lures used with the trap.
arthropods array Array of abundance objects.
Abundance Object
Name Type Description
species number Required. Internal ID corresponding to species found.
sex number Required. Internal ID corresponding to sex of arthropod found.
num_count number Required. Number of arthropods of the species / sex combination found.
Shape Object
Name Type Description
type string GIS geometry type. For collections, the correct value is "Point".
coordinates array Geographical coordinates, such that [longitude, latitude]. If the longitude is in the western hemisphere, the value must be prefixed by the minus '-' sign. If the latitude is in the southern hemisphere, the value must be prefixed by the minus '-' sign. Longitude must be between -90 and 90. Latitude must be between -180 and 180.

Sample Request Body

  "collection_date": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "collection_num": 123456,
  "comments": "This is an example comment",
  "identified_by": "Collection Sampler",
  "num_trap": 1,
  "site": 223344,
  "trap": 3,
  "trap_nights": 4,
  "trap_problem_bit": false,
  "lures": [1],
  "location": {
    "shape": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [-118.39643, 37.358737]
    "coordinate_precision": 1
  "arthropods": [
      "species": 145,
      "sex": 3,
      "num_count": 3
      "species": 145,
      "sex": 4,
      "num_count": 5



Name Type Description
add_date string Date on which collection record was saved to database.
updated string Date on which collection record was last updated.
id number Internal ID corresponding to this collection.
collection_date string Date on which trap was picked up.
collection_num number Agency reference number for collection.
comments string Description of collection event.
identified_by string Name of person that identified arthropods in this trap.
num_trap number The number of unique traps in operation at one site for this collection event.
site number Internal ID corresponding to the site at which the collection took place.
trap number Internal ID corresponding to the trap type used for the collection.
trap_nights number Number of nights from start to end of collection.
agency number Internal ID corresponding to the agency that made the collection.
surv_year number Year in which surveillance occurred.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user that created the collection.
location object Shape object.
arthropods array Array of abundance records.
lures array Array of internal IDs corresponding to newly created lure records.

Sample Response Body

  "add_date": "2023-01-01T05:55:29.895Z",
  "updated": "2023-01-01T05:55:29.895Z",
  "id": 456789,
  "collection_date": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "collection_num": 123456,
  "comments": "This is an example comment",
  "identified_by": "Collection Sampler",
  "num_trap": 1,
  "site": 223344,
  "trap": 3,
  "trap_nights": 4,
  "trap_problem_bit": false,
  "agency": 10,
  "collection_date_date_only": true,
  "surv_year": 2020,
  "user": 123,
  "location": {
    "table_name": "arthro_collection",
    "record_id": 66066,
    "agency": 10,
    "shape": {
      "crs": {
        "type": "name",
        "properties": {
          "name": "EPSG:4326"
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [-118.39643, 37.358737]
    "coordinate_precision": 1
  "arthropods": [
      "id": 30236,
      "species": 145,
      "sex": 3,
      "num_count": 3,
      "collection": 66066,
      "agency": 10,
      "deactive_date": null
      "id": 30235,
      "species": 145,
      "sex": 4,
      "num_count": 5,
      "collection": 66066,
      "agency": 10,
      "deactive_date": null
  "lures": [98765]

Updating a collection

URL: /v1/arthropod/collection/{id}

Request Type: PUT



Name Type Description
agency number Internal ID corresponding to the agency that made the collection.
collection_date string Date on which trap was picked up.
collection_date_date_only boolean False indicates that collection date has information beyond date such as time.
collection_num number Agency reference number for collection. Defaults to next sequentially available.
comments string Description of collection event.
identified_by string Name of person that identified arthropods in this collection.
num_trap number The number of unique traps in operation at one site for this collection event.
site number Internal ID corresponding to the site at which the collection took place.
location object Shape object. Drawn from site if omitted.
surv_year number Year in which surveillance occurred.
trap number Internal ID corresponding to the trap type used for the collection.
trap_nights number Number of nights from start to end of collection.
trap_problem_bit boolean True indicates an issue with the collection, such as a mechanical failure.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user that created the collection.
lures array Array of internal IDs corresponding to lures used with the trap.
arthropods array Array of abundance objects.

Sample Request Body

  "collection_date": "2020-02-02T08:00:00.000Z",
  "trap": 30



Name Type Description
add_date string Date on which collection record was saved to database.
updated string Date on which collection record was last updated.
id number Internal ID corresponding to this collection.
collection_date string Date on which trap was picked up.
collection_num number Agency reference number for collection.
comments string Description of collection event.
identified_by string Name of person that identified arthropods in this trap.
num_trap number The number of unique traps in operation at one site for this collection event.
site number Internal ID corresponding to the site at which the collection took place.
trap number Internal ID corresponding to the trap type used for the collection.
trap_nights number Number of nights from start to end of collection.
agency number Internal ID corresponding to the agency that made the collection.
surv_year number Year in which surveillance occurred.
user number Internal ID corresponding to the user that created the collection.
location object Shape object.
arthropods array Array of abundance records.
lures array Array of internal IDs corresponding to active lure records associated with collection.

Sample Response Body

  "add_date": "2023-01-01T05:55:29.895Z",
  "updated": "2023-01-01T05:55:29.895Z",
  "id": 456789,
  "collection_date": "2020-01-01T08:00:00.000Z",
  "collection_num": 123456,
  "comments": "This is an example comment",
  "identified_by": "Collection Sampler",
  "num_trap": 1,
  "site": 223344,
  "trap": 30,
  "trap_nights": 4,
  "trap_problem_bit": false,
  "agency": 10,
  "collection_date_date_only": true,
  "surv_year": 2020,
  "user": 123,
  "arthropods": [
      "id": 30236,
      "species": 145,
      "sex": 3,
      "num_count": 3,
      "collection": 66066,
      "agency": 10,
      "deactive_date": null
      "id": 30235,
      "species": 145,
      "sex": 4,
      "num_count": 5,
      "collection": 66066,
      "agency": 10,
      "deactive_date": null
  "lures": [98765]

Retrieving collection information

URL: /v1/arthropod/collection/{id}

Request Type: GET



Name Type Description
populate[] array Interior fields to be expanded. Possible values: agency, user, trap, site, location, arthropods, pools, lures.
sort query Order for returned records. Default will be provided.
fields[] array Fields to include in response.
page number Page number.
page size number Number of results per page.
search string Pattern to search for.
searchFields[] array Array of fields to be pattern searched. String fields only.
query array Supplemental postgres queries.

Sample Request Body

  "id": 456789


Sample Response Body

  "add_date": "2023-01-01T05:55:29.895Z",
  "updated": "2023-01-01T05:55:29.895Z",
  "id": 456789,
  "collection_date": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "collection_num": 123456,
  "comments": "This is an example comment",
  "identified_by": "Collection Sampler",
  "num_trap": 1,
  "site": 223344,
  "trap": 30,
  "trap_nights": 4,
  "trap_problem_bit": false,
  "agency": 10,
  "collection_date_date_only": true,
  "surv_year": 2020,
  "user": 123,
  "arthropods": [
      "id": 30236,
      "species": 145,
      "sex": 3,
      "num_count": 3,
      "collection": 66066,
      "agency": 10,
      "deactive_date": null
      "id": 30235,
      "species": 145,
      "sex": 4,
      "num_count": 5,
      "collection": 66066,
      "agency": 10,
      "deactive_date": null
  "lures": [98765]